Photos of beautiful and unusual guitars that I have owned or worked on.
All are now SOLD, but please check my FOR SALE page for currently available items!
1967 VOX v251 Guitar Organ
One of around 70 examples produced, pictured above with backplate removed.
This rare bird belongs to Ben Wallers, 'The Rebel' of the very fine band Country Teasers.
Close-Ups of Innards; The Six central PCBs are Tone-Generating Circuits, one for each String.
The Twelve round potentiometers are for coarse and fine pitch Adjustments, one pair for each string/circuit board.
The Four end-on PCBs are filters for the different voicings, Organ, Flute, Reed etc.
Close-Up of Control Escutcheon inscriptions
Link to
VOX v251 GUITAR ORGAN Service Manual
Footnote: It is often erroneously stated that the radical Vox Phantom shape first appeared in the mid-1960s. The 1961 advert below shows that it was available much earlier:
Melody Maker 14th Oct 1961